
Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ Profile

How to adapt your responses to any situation

There are four domains of EQ: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Agile emotional intelligence is the ability to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly.
The Everything DiSC® Agile EQ profile offers personalized content to help learners understand their EQ strengths, recognize their EQ potential, and commit to customized strategies for building agility.
Click here to view a sample profile. One profile is needed per person.

Assessment experience

This online profile is for one person.

  • Takes 15-20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
  • Learner must create a secure account to complete or return to the survey.
  • Questionnaire includes the measurement of 12 personality types, making the report very personalized.
  • Profile report is available immediately upon completion and can be saved as a PDF.

Based on the participant’s own preferences and tendencies, Everything DiSC Agile EQ measures the patterns of responses they’re most likely to gravitate toward in social and emotional situations—their “mindsets.” It also measures the degree of comfort or effort it takes for them to practice each mindset. The goal of the entire program is then to develop EQ through awareness of one’s own behavioral comfort zone and practice of the mindsets that lie beyond it.

Profile features

26-page report is broken into three sections:

  1. DISCOVER your DiSC style and EQ mindsets
  2. RECOGNIZE the mindsets of others
  3. ACT to adopt other EQ mindsets for more productive and satisfying responses

People who want to raise their emotional intelligence or EQ often struggle because they either don’t know where to focus their efforts or they don’t know how to improve these skills on a practical level. This report gives them guidance.

The learner is challenged to understand their mindsets and those of others. The language of the narrative is supportive and personalized, making it more memorable and actionable.

The report isn’t limited to teaching the learner more about the strengths and weaknesses of their own style. Strategies are provided to help the learner get outside their comfort zone. There are 12 pages devoted to taking action on what they’ve discovered.


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